Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nearing the end of our trip

Our last full day was spent more on shore than usual. First a quick dinghy trip to a new resort on Scrub Island where, as the name suggests, the terrain is challenging. The developers have had many missteps along the way, at least 2 of them going bankrupt, and any private home owners who might have been in on the first round have long since departed. The hotel is lovely and looks complete although not well attended from the looks of the empty lounge chairs around the pool. Partially completed houses are scattered along the primitive road that circumvents the island with only an occasional worker present. Is this lack of money or interested buyers or both we wonder? It may be years before the resort is complete.

Next we motored across a short stretch of water to Trellis Bay, our final destination. It is Kitty's birthday so we headed for town and a celebratory lunch. Crab salad followed by local gelato and chased down with 'painkillers' perfectly fit the bill.

Back on the boat Frits had one more segment of stitching to complete on the wheel. As he set to the task the rest of us relaxed in the cockpit to watch the sun go down

Tomorrow is the eighth day and so time to return home. Having this time to relax and enjoy friends is like a tonic for me that sends me forth with renewed vigor for my professional life and my private life. Maybe if I was here for longer I would slip into the retirement mode and find it difficult to regain my energy, but somehow I don't think so. I enjoy what I do as a Realtor and I plan to continue as long as I can. More time for family and travel is in the future but for now, having just sold our house of 35 years, we are beginning a new phase of our lives - building a new house.

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