Today was a work in the woods day. The property where we currently live has several trails where we walk our dogs daily and on occasion another loop is added to make the walks more varied. We also own an additional 18 acre parcel which is to be the site of our new home, one day. Clearing, installing systems and dreaming keeps us well occupied while we wait for the right buyer to come along for our old house. On this bright sunny day we took the opportunity of adding to the already existing trail network by cutting a new path close to our house site.
My husband has an excellent sense of direction and light or dark, sunny or overcast, can find his way with barely a misstep. I can get lost trying to find the elevator in a hotel.
One evening, when alone at home, my cat failed to make an appearance by nightfall. With foxes, coyotes and fisher cats roaming the woods, my young kitty's life was in peril. Waking suddenly from a sound sleep I was sure I heard a cat crying outside. Out I dashed into the warm night air in just a ragged t-shirt and without shoes or a flashlight. I followed the mewing sounds into the woods, calling all the way, quite sure Miss Kitty was just one more step away. But no. There was no cat and I was far enough off the path and turned around to the point of being completely lost. Could it be possible that I was going to spend the rest of the night wandering around deep in the woods with no way out? It certainly felt like that. Anyone finding me with bare feet, almost no clothes and looking like the wild woman of Borneo would have me arrested or committed to the psychiatric ward, I was sure. Many frightening minutes later I stumbled upon a large structure shrouded in darkness. Maybe there would be a telephone and I could call for help. Duh! I had found my own house! It was with much embarrassment that I slunk back to bed that night, quite sure that I would never tell a soul. By morning, the cat was back and I was telling all. Never could keep my mouth shut.
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